A Woman's Work preview

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Weight: 280g
Dimensions: 5x8 inches
Language: English
On Sale: 2019-09-24
Pages: 187
Publisher: Known Publishing

Paperback: 978-1-913036-48-5
eBook: 978-1-913036-21-8

Kindle version Buy on Amazon


As a woman, it can feel that the odds are stacked against you in business and when more women than ever before are self-employed and starting business, why is it that so few of them are able to scale and get the success they deserve? A heated discussion on this by some super-successful businesswomen led to the creation of this book.

Is it because it's so much harder for women to get funding and investment? Is it because women are likely to be running the house and juggling childcare? Is it because women struggle to get taken seriously?

The real question that came out of this debate was: what can we do to help women overcome these challenges and really shine?

Fuelled by the raw passion of successful businesswomen in a range of industries, this book will empower you to scale and grow your business, whatever you do. It is packed full of tips and personal stories drawing on a range of expertise.

This book covers both the hard and soft business skills that you need to take your business to the next level. From time management and resilience, to how to hone your product and scale profitably, this is the book that these businesswomen wish they had in their arsenal when they were looking to scale. In each chapter, a businesswomen explores the obstacles she had to overcome in a particular area, and gives the reader practical advice to do the same.

No more playing small, now is the time to go for it. This book will show you how...


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Chapter examples

Time to think big, time to think smart

In Time To Think Big, Time To Think Smart, Vicki Wusche asks you to reconsider what is really important to you in life and then offers a technique that enables you to both ‘have a life’ and a profitable business. This unconventional approach to managing your time, combined with ensuring the success and profitability of your business and home life, will surprise and enlighten you. By the end of this chapter you will definitely be putting up your hourly rate and enjoying more guilt-free time with family, friends or just on your own!

Vicki Wusche avatar
Vicki Wusche

Nurturing Your Network

I enjoy meeting people and creating meetings between people. It keeps you interested in what you do and keeps what you do being interesting. It makes life fun! Relationships and the networking to develop these relationships, has enabled me to discover opportunities for me and for others. As your business focus changes over time, so does where and who you network with. You never though stop developing, nurturing and enjoying relationships - when you are enjoying your business. You do not take a business forward, sat at home! This chapter touches on the formation and lasting value of just a few relationships that have come from unexpected places. I hope that it encourages you to say 'yes' to the next event and make your time spent there really count...

Clare Downes avatar
Clare Downes

Success is Single Minded

Single minded focus is a vital skill required in success as an entrepreneur. Multi-tasking is the greatest barrier to progress and the evidence in everyday business is plain to see. In this chapter, discover why single tasking is as much about letting go of things as it is maintaining focus; master both, and success is yours for the taking.

Steph Middleton avatar
Steph Middleton-Foster

The Power of Purpose

Our businesses exist to serve society, and if we aren't clear about the purpose of our business it has no real reason for being. Without purpose, work is meaningless and we feel unseen, undervalued and disengaged. In this chapter you'll discover how purpose unlocks enormous energy and momentum within a business and attracts the very best talent to it. How it makes people more engaged at work. How it cuts cost and drives innovation and opportunity, and ultimately the long-term success of your business.

Jeannie McGillivray avatar
Jeannie McGillivray

Resilience is the secret to longevity

There are so many times in my 25 years in business when I could and should have failed. I had two reasons to keep going, my children and my customers. One couldn't afford for me to fail, the other wouldn't let me. When we are battling through tough times, we cannot see the wood for the trees but looking back I can see very clearly that the ability to bounce back quickly is the key to surviving and thriving. In my chapter on resilience, I want to share with you what worked for me in the hope that it will keep you going when the journey gets tough.

Mary Grant avatar
Mary Grant

Scaling for Success

In this chapter, I will talk about everything I wish I'd have known when I first started in business. In my experience, I have found that there are essential pillars to growing businesses regardless of size or stage, and these essentially boil down to leads and delivery. I'll tell you more about what we have found that works in order to streamline your processes and build a high performing business now and in the future.

Sonja Leason

Inner Game

In business, as in life, the battles you will engage in with suppliers, banks, uncertainty and your own cashflow, are nothing compared to those that will take place in your head. Being a woman in business is one of the most mentally and emotionally challenging things you can do. It’s also one of the most satisfying, growing and fulfilling. Mastering your ‘Inner Game’ is the difference that makes the difference. Discover how to master yours here.

Jill Martin avatar
Jill Martin

Clarity and Vision

I have learned that the misconception about clarity of vision is that it’s a peaceful state of mind that you reach once you have defined who you are and where you want to be before you start, and then you move on with life running after achieving that. That was my own thought too. When I starting from a young age, I always thought of myself as a person who loves to help people, and it was the starting point that lead me to choose studying Psychology, where I became more aware of my passion towards ”understanding people”, and little did I know, I was set out into a journey of self-discovery along the way! Discover in this chapter key concepts, that may change everything you thought you already cracked.

Areej Khataebeh avatar
Areej Khataebeh

Product Of Success

In this chapter I share my experience of how to supercharge profits with the right product. I have worked in many businesses as a management accountant and my role was to understand where and why the products made money and how to boost the profits further. Having tried many things, I have discovered the key attributes of good products that make great profits. I will show you how customers buy an outcome but all too often businesses price on other methods. This chapter is all about your business earning the profit your product deserves.

Lorraine Gannon avatar
Lorraine Gannon